Freight with Michael Callahan and Janet Batch Live at Woodlands Tavern 11.21.24

We're hitting the road playing some of my favorite haunts in Ohio and Indiana. I cant wait to bring this Ithaca crew to Bloomington. See yall soon!
Its already August, and we're here for it! We have some fun regional shows this month including a video shoot, an opera house, and a Vermont Tour. We hope to see you out!
#americanamusic #tourlife #operahouse #guitarplayer #countrymusic #musicvideo #originalmusic #songwriter #rockandroll
Freight is stoked to be kicking off a 3 day run. First stop is on the Bernie Milton Stage @downtownithaca for the CFCU Summer Concert Series. Downbeat is at 6pm followed by @mike_powell_and_the_echosound at 7pm.
There's plenty of chances to catch Freight this month. And you're gonna want to too, the band is sounding really stellar!
MTN Blue CD's are moving fast. HMU if you'd like a copy! Thanks for your support everyone and be sure to check out the album at;
#americana #guitarplayer #altcountry #altcountrymusic #altcountryrock #singersongwriter #rootsmusic #rootsmusician #switchyardrecords #indianamusicians #ithacamusic
Here's the upcoming run with @nick_dittmeier_the_sawdusters
We hope to see you out on the highway! @jp.payton
Jake's Saloon
Thanks to everyone who came to @scalehousebrews yesterday. That was a fun evening!
Come on down the parade of instruments at @Southhillcider
Big thanks to @hopshirebrews and to all the kind folks who came out Friday! What a great night on the farm! Here's where you can catch us next!
5.28 @firelightcamps
5.29 @alswine.whiskey
5.30 @southhillcider
6.2 @twogoatsbrewing
6.8 @scalehousebrews
Just a few weeks away til MTN BLUE tour!
June 12 at Grayhaven Motel, Ithaca
June 13 at Aurora Brewing, Rochester
June 14 at Big Alice Brewing, Geneva
June 15 at Jake's Saloon, Horseheads
#americana #altcountry #altcountrymusic #countrysongwriter #countrysingersongwriters #ithacany #guitarplayer #bayardguitars #newmusic #denim #mountainblue
Last time at Hopshire was blast! This one is gonna be lit! Come check out Freight at @hopshirebrews this Friday 5.24. I think we're contractually obligated to play a @bobdylan tune. Happy bday maestro!
Trumansburg is the place to be tomorrow night @garrettsbrewing. This is our first time playing here, we would love to see you out!
#americana #countryrock #billyjoshaver #guitarplayer #rootsrock #ithaca #trumansburg #bayardguitars #fenderamps #countrymusic
We've been holding off on a few announcements, including upcoming new music, exciting shows, and an album release or two! Please stay tuned as we start to spread the news over the next few weeks. First up, we're super excited to be included in this year's Summer Concert Series in Downtown Ithaca. FREIGHT plays at 6pm Thursday July 25 at The Bernie Milton Stage.
#americana #downtownithaca #summer #countrymusic #rootsrock #guitarplayer #flatpicker ##berniemiltonpavilion #ithaca #folkrock #mikepowellandtheechosound #downtownithacaalliance
Thanks so much for coming out and supporting @plannedparenthood at @argoswarehouse last month!